International Research E-Journal on Business and Economics : Volume 1 Issue 1 (May 2015)

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    Creating the company of choice by improving employee morale and job satisfaction: a case study on YZJY Company
    This research was conducted to determine the levels of employee morale and job satisfaction in relation to creating a company of choice. This research was conducted using the action research model involving the company managers and employees. Survey, observations, and interviews were used for data collection. The study determined the current situation of the employees' job satisfaction and morale that affected the company as a "company of choice"; identified appropriate organization development interventions (ODI) that could facilitate the creation of the company of choice; identified the initial impact of the OD interventions on employees' job morale and satisfaction in creating the company of choice; and measured the difference between the pre-ODI and post-ODI data on employee satisfaction and morale that created the company of choice. The results showed that the OD interventions conducted on the job satisfaction and job morale improved the preference level for the company of choice.
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    Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) used in food truck business: a case study of Five Burger Food Trucks in Bangkok's Metropolitan area
    The purpose of this study is to examine how Integrated Marketing Communications or IMC is put into practice by the management of food trucks in Bangkok area. In this study, data was collected from interviews with ten respondents who are the managers of five food trucks in Bangkok. Contextual observations were also made on the site of the food trucks and on other communication channels. Data was analyzed by content analysis and categorized into themes corresponding to each of the five key features of IMC The insights gained from this study shows that IMC as adopted by the management of the food trucks has the five key features of IMC The findings can help the management of the food truck business or new entrepreneurs in effectively applying IMC in their business practices.
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    Is corporate social responsibility a determinant of purchase intention? : a case study of Ncell Nepal
    This study investigates the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities performed by a company and its behavioral effects on customer behavior indicators namely: brand image, perceived price fairness, awareness of CSR, and purchase intention. This study also takes into account perceived service quality and its influence on customer purchase intention. The researcher surveyed about 401 respondents of generation Y in Nepal. Structural Equation Modeling was applied for the data analysis. The results showed that there exists a relationship between corporate social responsibility, perceived price fairness, brand image and purchase intention. However, the research uncovered that there exists a negative relationship between awareness of CSR and purchase intention, and that perceived service quality affects purchase intention in a positive manner.
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    The motivation, methods, and economic effects of artificially high real estate Prices in the United States 2009 to Present
    By purchasing mortgages backed securities in default from banks in exchange for cash, and manipulating interest rates through its bond buying programs, the Federal Reserve has not only stemmed the drop in housing prices, but also inflated housing prices by manipulating supply and demand mechanics. In the short-term, quantitative easing 3 succeeded in stopping the steep fall in U.S. housing prices but long-term, consequences are on the horizon. Debt financed quantitative easing programs successfully created short-term housing price inflation at the expense of long-term prosperity. The long-term consequences of quantitative easing will likely occur shortly after quantitative easing ends and interest rates are allowed to rise. This paper explains the process of how the Federal Reserve (USA) has successfully manipulated housing prices, temporarily restored consumer confidence in the American economy and finally, projects what will happen when interest rates eventually rise. Free market forces determine prices, and inevitably the housing market faces a major downward price correction.
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    Creativity dialog map: the adaptive Organization Development Technology for positive change in the organization
    Organization Development is an imperative process for the growth of organizations. The underlying process of the OD framework and its tools and techniques are intentionally implemented for planned change towards its view of an organization's preferred direction and vision. This article presents an important process in planned change, that is, the processing of information. Convergent thinking and divergent thinking are alternative approaches to processing information. The paper presents the design of a new OD technology called "creativity dialog map". The new design CDialogMap2 is a version derived from the feedback from workshops conducted by the author in his classes.