AU Journal of Management: Vol. 13, No. 2 (July-December 2015)

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    The Impact of Individual Level Cultural Value Orientation as A Moderator of Seller Influence Tactics, Relationship Quality, and Customer Loyalty
    (Assumption University, 2015) Veerasak Prasertchuwong; Assumption University. Martin de Tours School of Management and Economics
    As competitions in marketing intensify and many marketers offer products that are similar, salespersons are forced to adapt their marketing strategies to survive. Relationship marketing has become the suitable strategy that salespersons employ to cope with this situation. Nevertheless, each and every customer is unique, so a better understanding of customers at the individual level is essential. Thus, this research examined the effects of cultural value orientations of customers at the individual level on the relationship between seller influence tactics, relationship quality, and customer loyalty. The questionnaire was launched to 511 respondents gathered from several central business districts in Bangkok metropolitan, Thailand. I employed the structural equation modeling approach to investigate the issues. The findings show that many relationship channels between coercive influence seller tactics, relationship quality, and customer loyalty which was influenced by a customer's cultural value orientation are not statistically significant. In contrast, quite a number of relationship paths between non-coercive seller influence tactics, relationship quality, and customer loyalty are significant. Moreover, the linkage between relationship quality and customer loyalty influenced by cultural value orientation is significantly strong.