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    Satisfaction as a key antecedent for word of mouth and an essential mediator for service quality and brand trust in international education
    (2022) Howard Stribbell; Somsit Duangekanong
    Positive word of mouth in the form of recommendations and referrals is the most effective way to recruit new students. The purpose of this study was to determine how service quality, parental satisfaction, and brand trust affect the likelihood of parents recommending their child’s international school to family and friends and to test the mediating effect of parent satisfaction. The study developed a contextually relevant and reliable survey to measure the perception of 458 Generation X parents at The International School of Macao. Scale items from the literature were contextualized for education. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to confirm convergent and discriminant validity. Structural equation modeling was used to determine the relationships. It was found that parent satisfaction had the biggest influence on the likelihood of parents recommending their child’s international school by word of mouth. While the service quality that parents experience and the trust that they have in the school brand had an impact on satisfaction, it was found that parent satisfaction fully mediates the relationship between service quality and word of mouth as well as the relationship between brand trust and word of mouth. Schools must ensure that current parents are satisfied to cultivate positive word of mouth through recommendations and referrals to prospective parents. Previous studies have demonstrated the mediating role of satisfaction, but no significant studies have empirically tested the same in K-12 international contexts. The study contributes to the existing field of knowledge by providing support to the contention that satisfaction mediates the relationships between service quality, brand trust, and word of mouth.
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    A Prototype Instrument for Measuring Service Quality by Generation X Parents: A Case Study at the International School of Macao
    (2022) Howard Stribbell; Somsit Duangekanong
    This quantitative research aimed to advance the use of the service quality construct to measure the perceived service quality of K-12 international schools by Generation X parents. It proposed an approach that contextualised previously published scale items for private healthcare into educationally relevant scale items. The revised scale items were developed and confirmed through an Item Objective Congruence Test (IOC) by industry experts. The instrument was tested for reliability through a pilot test and then administered to 499 parents in a school. The results used Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) to reduce the complexity of the standard 5 service quality (SERQUAL) factors into 3 factors: Responsibility, Assurance and Professionalism, Empathy and Facilities which accounted for 65% of the variance of the SERVQUAL variables amongst Generation X parents at The International School of Macao. The revised instrument can be used to effectively measure parents’ perception of service quality in an international school setting.
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    Validation of a Research Instrument to Measure Generation Y Parents’ Perception of Service Quality and Effect on Satisfaction and Word of Mouth in International Schools
    (2022) Howard Stribbell; Somsit Duangekanong
    This quantitative research aimed to (1) validate an adapted instrument used for measuring service quality in private hospitals to measure the perceived service quality of K-12 international schools and (2) implement the instrument to assess service quality’s impact on word of mouth and satisfaction. It was necessary to contextualize the scale items through item objective congruence test using industry experts. Scale items were adjusted to reflect the service provided by teachers, staff, and leadership of the school. The resulting 27 scale items for service quality were shown to be contextually valid and internally reliable. The instrument was then implemented to measure parental service quality’s effect satisfaction and word of mouth. The survey was piloted by 33 parents and verified for internal consistency before being administered to 422 Generation Y parents. The results showed that the modified instrument was reliable and valid. The results showed that service quality had a direct and positive effect on both satisfaction and word of mouth but it had a greater effect on satisfaction.
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    Motivational factors influencing telework during the COVID-19 pandemic
    (2022) Chittipa Ngamkroeckjoti; Worasak Klongthong; Jakkrit Thavorn
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, teleworking has proven to be an effective countermeasure to overcome the spread of this disease while enabling businesses to continue. However, little is known about the extent of their adjustment to daily life routine, interaction among self-control, assignments, family life matters, and coordination with colleagues. This study explores the impact of motivational factors on the performance of teleworkers. An exploratory study was conducted using an in-depth interview with 27 interviewees who work in Thailand and have more than a year of experience switching between being a teleworker and working on-site. The NVivo and SPSS software were performed to reveal deeper data insights and apply non-parametric tests in order to compare findings with various demographic profiles. The findings revealed that environment, time management, and reward are the strongest motivational factors, whereas labour intensity and job security present the weakest relationships with teleworkers’ performance. Numerous implications and strategies to enhance their performance for both organizations and workers are provided. Firms can support a well-prepared environment and manage the flexibility of working time to increase employees’ effectiveness. Moreover, the result-oriented approach can be one of the tools in evaluating their performance rather than attending to their full working time at home.
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    Predicting consumers' repurchase intention of ready-to-drink coffee: a supply chain from Thai producers to retailers
    (2022) Naruecha Putithanarak; Worasak Klongthong; Jakkrit Thavorn; Chittipa Ngamkroeckjoti
    This research investigates ready-to-drink (RTD) coffee. Although the RTD coffee market is growing competitively, few studies have examined behavioral re-intention or repurchase intention in the context of this industry. Therefore, the objective of this study was to explore factors affecting the behavioral re-intention to purchase RTD coffee. Research design, data and methodology: Using the theory of planned behavior (TPB) as the underpinning theoretical framework, this study hypothesized that behavioral re-intention to purchase RTD coffee is influenced by the variables of the TPB and additional variables. A mixed-method research design was applied, starting with qualitative in-depth interviews and followed by a quantitative method. Data were collected using an online survey of coffee lovers. Multiple linear regression (MLR) was used to assess the hypothesized relationships in the proposed conceptual framework. Results: The results reveal that content sensory attribute beliefs are the strongest positive predictor of behavioral re-intention in Thailand, followed by perceived utilitarian value. In contrast, price signaling was negatively related to behavioral re-intention. Conclusions: The findings can help food and beverage companies to develop new coffee product lines to gain more market share, create integrated marketing communications to build brand awareness, and manage distribution channels and the supply chain.
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    New social media and impact of fake news on society
    (2018) Nagi, Kuldeep
    Traditional media consists of mostly nameless and faceless people deciding what does and does not get printed and broadcasted. In this new era of internet and variety of social media, creation, and consumption of news and information in our society is changing. The rapid transformation of traditional print media into online portals has become a new trend. On the one hand, the online social media has democratized the means of news production and dissemination, but on the other hand, it has become a breeding ground for false and fake news. Increasing use of mobile devices and easy Wi-Fi access to 3G/4G networks, the Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter have turned into powerful platforms for providing news and entertainment. In the USA and India, the President and the Prime Minister are using Twitter to engage with their voters and supporters. Hence the direct interaction of politicians and policymakers with the people using social media is having a strong impact on the functioning of the governments around the world. As a consequence, the online journalism and citizen media are also on the rise. New channels of online communication, such Skype, WhatsApp, Messenger, LINE and many others have also led to a rampant increase in the spreading of fake news. This paper uses the traditional empirical-analytical method to analyze the current issues about fake news. Information and data available on reliable public domain websites, such as FactCheck.Org and others portals are used for formulating research questions. In addition, analysis of issues related to fake news is largely based on data available on various reliable and independent organizations, such as Pew Research Center (USA), Reuters (UK) and European Commission (EC). Author’s own survey conducted in an Executive MBA class conducted in Hanoi, Vietnam is also be utilized. The results from primary and secondary resources are used to highlight cases of fake news on the social media and provide technical guidelines to detect its negative impact on society.
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    A study of attitude towards plagiarism among Thai university students
    (2021) Nagi, Kuldeep; Varughese, K. John
    Academic misconduct, especially plagiarism, has always been a critical academic issue in Thailand. Since the beginning of 2020, the COVID crisis has also led to another kind of pandemic plagiarism. Due to the ongoing lockdown the use of the internet, digital platforms, and eLearning has dramatically increased. This sudden explosion in online learning has further exacerbated attitudes about plagiarism. Needless to say, the internet provides ample opportunities for Thai students to access a wealth of information without visiting their school, college, or university library. While this has led to a boom in searching for online information, it has also made it much easier for students to plagiarize content that they stumble upon. Since Thai students are very weak in English language proficiency there is always a temptation for copying from the internet. Although most Thai institutions have a policy to curb plagiarism and uphold academic integrity, they seem to have a very limited effect. This research is based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) which states that attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral controls together shape the individual’s intentions and behaviors. For the purpose of this study, an online survey was crafted using the variables pertinent to the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). A modified conceptual framework based on TPB was utilized. The results show that Thai students lack proper knowledge and implications of plagiarism. This study also provides suggestions to curb plagiarism and improve the English proficiency of Thai students.
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    A study of attitude towards plagiarism among Thai university students
    (European Open Access Research Association, 2021-05-05) Nagi, Kuldeep; John, Varughese K.
    Academic misconduct, especially plagiarism, has always been a critical academic issue in Thailand. Since the beginning of 2020, the COVID crisis has also led to another kind of pandemic plagiarism. Due to the ongoing lockdown the use of the internet, digital platforms, and eLearning has dramatically increased. This sudden explosion in online learning has further exacerbated attitudes about plagiarism. Needless to say, the internet provides ample opportunities for Thai students to access a wealth of information without visiting their school, college, or university library. While this has led to a boom in searching for online information, it has also made it much easier for students to plagiarize content that they stumble upon. Since Thai students are very weak in English language proficiency there is always a temptation for copying from the internet. Although most Thai institutions have the policy to curb plagiarism and uphold academic integrity, they seem to have a very limited effect. This research is based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) which states that attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral controls together shape the individual’s intentions and behaviors. For the purpose of this study, an online survey was crafted using the variables pertinent to the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). A modified conceptual framework based on TPB was utilized. The results show that Thai students lack proper knowledge and implications of plagiarism. This study also provides suggestions to curb plagiarism and improve the English proficiency of Thai students.
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    Leadership with heart in the Asian context: lessons from the field
    (2011) Fernando, Marrisa; Sirichai Preudhikulpradab
    This article presents Leadership with Heart, specifically from the context of two Southeast Asian countries, the Philippines and Thailand. Insights were sought from leaders and managers of these participating countries through an on-line questionnaire using open-ended questions. The questions dealt with two main inquiries: 1) Describe what leadership with heart is to you? and 2) How is leadership with heart experienced by you? Based on the contents analysis of collective insights, there are both similarities and differences in terms of its traits and styles Both Filipino and Thai on leadership with heart demonstrates three emphases: (1) Care and Concern: Malasakit and Meta ; (2) Sprit of Communal unity and cooperation ; and (3) Character and action.
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    Appreciative inquiry : A positive approach to organizational planning and learning
    (2010) Fernando, Maria Socorro Cristina L.
    The primary purpose of the study is to open a new possibility in the planning process of the Technology Centers using Appreciative Inquiry in designing the future directions through the creation of the Development Plan. The discoveries articulated through themes drawn from the use of AI approach as planning process are valuable to support the various applications of AI in organization development. This study uses purposive sampling in identifying the participants who represented the stakeholders of the Technology Centers. The focus group (15-25 members), involved in all the phases of the study, are considered co-researchers in the development of the plan and the generation of the propositions. The study utilizes qualitative methods, namely: - Appreciative Inquiry Approach in discovering and highlighting the strengths and positive experiences of the Technology Centers that are the basis for crafting the organization development plan; and - Grounded Theory Process in generating propositions based on the insights gained from the AI Process. The study employs research tools useful in generating qualitative information, such as questionnaires, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, field notes, workshops, available organizational data, and feedback data.
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    Navigating through the first wave of change: a synthesis of the action research dissertations of the PhD OD cohorts 1-5 Graduate School of Business, Assumption University, Thailand
    (2014) Fernando, Maria Socorro Cristina L.; Tayko, Perla Rizalina M.
    The study focuses on forty three (43) dissertations done by the graduates of the Doctor of Philosophy in Organization Development (PhDOD) from the Graduate School of Business, Assumption University of Thailand, Hua Mak Campus. It is the objective of this article to present a perspective of what has been accomplished by the first five cohorts of graduates in their OD action research so that their work will serve as a reference for other MMOD/PhDOD related studies and MMOD/ PhDOD of students in the program as well as LEMS (leaders/executives/managers/ supervisors) taking initiatives in various organizations where strategic positive change is a goal. It is an orderly summary of the various studies so that “knowledge maybe extracted from the myriad and individual research “(Glass, 2002). The focus of the Content of all the applied research dissertations (ARD) are various types of “organizations” as the “organization of choice” by the students, regarded as the Context of human social systems: composed of people interacting with one another for a common purpose, vision, mission, goal and even values which somehow along the way … encounter, experience, shortfalls, disparities, dysfunctions and at the same time identified potentials. The Process utilized in all the action research work are various OD interventions , initiated by Pre-ODI work and evaluated through a Post ODI testing. Each action research is independent and so there is a wide range of heterogeneity among them. Therefore, rather than a statistical analysis of the action researches done by the graduates, this synthesis aims to present “Stories of Navigations”: journeys that have direction and which have generated a magnitude of transformation at the personal and organizational spheres. Each researcher embarked on the AR-OD journey. Now, every journey has a story to tell.
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    A study on factors impacting consumers' intention to use on-demand food delivery applications in Bangkok, Thailand
    (2019) Dinesh Elango; Kitikorn Dowpiset; Jirachaya Chantawaranurak
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors impacting on behavioral intention to use On-demand food delivery application in Bangkok, Thailand.Design/methodology/approach – A survey of 392 users of On-demand food delivery applications was conducted in Bangkok, Thailand through an online questionnaire using convenience and snowball sampling techniques. Multiple linear regression (MLR) was used to test research hypotheses.Findings – The results indicated that Personal innovativeness (PI) and Perceived Self-efficacy (PSE) have significant impact Perceived on ease of use (PEOU), while Personal innovativeness (PI) and Perceived ease of use (PEOU) have significant impact Perceived usefulness (PU) of On-demand food delivery applications. Perceived self-efficacy (PSE), Perceived usefulness (PU), and Social influence (SI) have significant impact Behavioral intention (BI) to use On-demand food delivery applications.Practical Implications – This study advises service providers to pay particular attention to Social influence, Perceived self-efficacy, and Perceived usefulness when designing the business model or the marketing strategy.Originality/value – There is no existing research found to comprehensively study of factors impacting intention to use On-demand food delivery applications services in the Thai context.
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    Measurement and evaluation of e-service quality dimension on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty towards online travel agency
    (2018) Ahmed, Nahian; Kitikorn Dowpiset; Sirion Chaipoopirutana
    The continuous development of the Internet has facilitated businesses to enter into online web services. How businesses can utilize this growing business opportunity and can survive stiff competition is one of the important factors to be considered. Based on E-service quality dimensions, this study attempted to explore and examine the type of different services preferred by consumers of Agoda, a well-known online travel agency, it also further examined the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. Based on the results, it could be observed that perceptions of service quality differed significantly on some demographic variables; e service quality dimensions had influence on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty; customer satisfaction and customer loyalty were positively related; and e-service quality was a significant predictor of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The empirical results about e-service quality dimensions were obtained for the online travel agency Agoda.
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    The critical success factors that should be influenced alternatives to improve Thailand national swimming sport to gain the medals for the Olympic Games
    (2019) Elango, Dinesh; Kitikorn Dowpiset; Chinnapha Woranet
    The purpose of the research is to explore the critical success factors that should be influenced alternatives to improve Thailand national swimming sport to gain the medals for the Olympic Games. The data for the paper were collected through the three factors based on the five successful countries in the world regarding with learning from experience of (1) the USA, (2) Germany, (3) Australia, (4) Japan, and (5) Hungary and Great Britain. The paper starts by seeking the articles, documents and records related that enhanced a competitive advantage in a relatively narrow range of swimming sport. The major findings of the paper are as follows: (1) the funding support based on from government and sponsorship in which the top five successful countries have a relative competitive advantage remains crucial for the continuing success of swimming sports; (2) the expert coach of the top five ranking countries relative position in the number of medals; (3) the sports sciences increasing concern with providing from the top five ranking countries which have potential challenge and success for the swimming sports in the Olympic Games. For the further research in terms of familiarity with physical body of athletes. The majority of next exploration should be in the Asian countries where success in swimming sport at the Olympics Games regarding the Japan and Singapore.
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    Using big data as a backbone for Thailand 4.0: a proposed framework
    (2018) Jirapun Daengdej; Kitikorn Dowpiset
    Every country is currently preparing themselves for the fourth industrial revolution, the environment where innovation is the key concept for survival. Most of the countries have developed framework for their e-government development. Unfortunately, most of these frameworks do not contain adequate details on what are the activities required if big data will be used as a backbone of all services. This research focuses on proposing a conceptual framework for development of e-government in Thailand. The proposed framework explicitly contains all important activities to be completed if big data will serve as the core component of all services for their citizens.
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    Creativity dialog map: the adaptive OD technology for a small unit/team to make the positive change in the organization
    (2015) Kitikorn Dowpiset
    Abstract Organization Development is an imperative process for the growth of organizations. The underlying process of the OD framework, its tools and techniques are intentionally implemented for planned change towards its view of an organization’s preferred direction and vision. This article presents an important process in planned change, that is, the processing of information. Convergent thinking and divergent thinking are alternative approaches to processing information. The paper presents the design of a new OD technology called “creativity dialog map”. The new design CDialogMap2 is a version derived from the feedback from workshops conducted by the author in his classes.
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    A framework for risk management in AI system development projects
    (2019) Kitti Photikitti; Kitikorn Dowpiset; Jirapun Daengdej
    It has been well-known that the chance of successfully delivering a software project within an allocated time and budget is very low. Most of the researches in this area have concluded that “user's requirements” of the systems is one of the most difficult risks to deal with in this case. Interestingly, until today, regardless of amount of effort put into this area, the possibility of project failure is still very high. The issue with requirement can be significantly increased when developing an artificial intelligence (AI) system, where one would like the systems to autonomously behave. This is because we are not only dealing with user's requirements, but we must also be able to deal with “system's behavior” that, in many cases, do not even exist during software development. This chapter discusses a preliminary work on a framework for risk management for AI systems development projects. The goal of this framework is to help project management in minimizing risk that can lead AI software projects to fail due to the inability to finish the projects on time and within budget.
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    The academic rating criteria for knowledge web-based in Thailand
    (2013) Kitikorn Dowpiset; Chompu Nuangjamnong
    With rapidly growth of the Information Technology (IT), the original aim of the words ‘‘Ranking’’ was to promote Web publication, not only to rank institutions and organizations. By supporting public open access initiatives, electronic accesses to scientific publications and to other academic materials are primary targets. The result for these reasons, the number of web publication in Thailand has been increasing in each year. The main behavior of most people in cyber world, they prefer to search information before deciding to do something, especially in a part of people in academic areas and business professionals. Searching information and reading information from websites may create a strong and reliable research, academic reports, and making potential documents for business organizations. In order to have some confidences of the contexts in the websites that they can apply and analyze into the business reports, the reliable sources of information may be required a standard ranking. With fully reliable web contents, they can provide the real benefits in terms of money, and reputation for those contexts. However, trustee, reliability and confidence come from several conditions. In academic institutions, most students and instructors refer to specific contexts from the available websites that they can do the reports or create some class materials. Hence, the reliability of websites is very important which it may let others believe in the reports or academic papers. This may assist students and instructors to improve their studies and research. This research mainly studied, analyzed and mapped the rating criteria which related to the trust of information on available websites. The target data was gathered from the lecturers of both private and public universities in Thailand via a survey online. In order to precisely understand the weighting of criteria, the rating criteria scale and weighting for each of criteria, the focusing groups in discussion about web publication criteria, and other conditions and factors concerned will be investigated. Giving such opinions of the expertise of the Internet Service Provider (ISP), students, lecturers and the Government Agency may be included as recommendations and further study.